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Green Valley Realty specializes in real estate in Northern California's Silicon Valley. The office is located in Cupertino, the center of Silicon Valley where high-tech companies gather in the United States. The company has many professionally licensed and experienced agents who can help customers successfully complete house purchase/sale and related loans by analyzing market conditions according to customers’ needs.
Green Valley Realty consistently helps customers achieve their housing goals without the hassle. We are ready to serve you anytime, please contact us for free consultation.
綠谷地產團隊專精北加州矽谷房地產, 地址位於全美高科技業雲集的矽谷中心庫比蒂諾市。公司擁有多位具有專業執照且經驗豐富的經紀人, 能依據客戶需求,準確分析市場狀況,幫助廣大的客戶順利完成房屋買賣與相關貸款。
绿谷地产团队专精北加州硅谷房地产, 地址位于全美高科技业云集的硅谷中心库比蒂诺市。公司拥有多位具有专业执照且经验丰富的经纪人, 能依据客户需求,准确分析市场状况,帮助广大的客户顺利完成房屋买卖与相关贷款。